7 Healthy New Year Nutrition Resolutions

At this time of the year, many people choose to make a list of New Year’s resolutions and achievements they want to accomplish in the next year. Many of them also make it a goal to eat more healthy food. In case you want to achieve that goal in 2021, here are a few useful tips you can follow.

1. Avoid Aspartame and other synthetic sugars

One of the things you should probably avoid consuming in your everyday life is aspartame and other synthetic sugars. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that can usually be found in some drinks and foods where it is used as a sugar substitute. Aspartame has several negative side effects which make it a very unhealthy food ingredient.

For instance, it includes Methanol, a dangerous neurotoxin that is also known to be a carcinogen. Synthetic sugars, on the other hand, can cause inflammation since they contribute to acidity therefore causing the creation of fat cells to store more acid than usual. In conclusion, consuming high amounts of aspartame can make you gain weight.

2. Avoid refined sugar

Speaking of sugar, white and refined sugar can weaken your immune system. It steals your white blood cells the ability to fight and destroy bacteria. Apart from that, white sugar can make you develop an addiction to eating foods devoid of important nutrients such as minerals, fibre, and vitamins.

3. Eat more greens and veggies

This year, make it a New Year’s goal to eat more vegetables. They are very important for your health since they provide your body with B vitamins, antioxidants , magnesium, zinc, calcium, and omega-3s. To eat more veggies include a serving of greens and coloured veggies to your daily meals, as well as a daily serving of sulphur-producing vegetables like turnips, garlic, onion, broccoli, and cabbage.

4. Eat more fermented foods

Fermented foods contain a lot of healthy bacteria such as sauerkraut and kimchi. This type of bacteria can help speed up your digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Apart from that, they can also help you reduce your sweet cravings.

5. Have healthy foods delivered straight to your doorstep

In light of the current COVID-19 situation, it would be smart to avoid going to supermarkets packed with people that often. To stay healthy and protected this year, it’s best to opt for ordering food and ingredients to avoid leaving the house that often. You can order fresh veggies, fruits, drinks, and meat whenever you like from the comfort of your own home. Companies such as Sutcliffe Meats can provide you with fresh meats you can use for your daily healthy meals.

6. Log your food intake

This one is also a great tip: Try to write down and track what you eat on a daily basis. The timing of your food intake is also very important and it can affect how you feel.

7. Make your own power bars and gels

Lastly, you can also make your own power bars and gels at home. These are great options since homemade power bars contain a lot of healthy nutrients, they are easy to make and they are less expensive than store-bought power bars.

Here is a quick recipe you can use.

Use a blender or a food processor to blend the following ingredients:

medjool dates or about 10 pitted dates (soak them overnight first)

4 tablespoons of either maple or agave syrup

4 tablespoons of chia seeds

4 tablespoons of coconut oil

2 tablespoons of lime zest

2 tablespoons of lemon zest

2 teaspoons of seaweed flakes (snipped into tiny pieces)

a few pinches of sea salt

The mixture will most likely be very stiff so you will have to stop blending and scrape the mixture off the walls a few times. After you finish blending just shape your gel into the shape you want and store them in the fridge or freezer.


All things considered, it doesn’t take much time or effort to eat healthily. It is all about making a conscious decision to change small everyday eating habits and avoiding certain unhealthy foods.